inherit inherit v. 受け継ぐ, 相続する, 伝承する. 【副詞1】 Certain diseases are genetically inherited. ある種の病気は遺伝する. 【+前置詞】 He inherited a large fortune from his father. 父親から大きな財産を相続した She inherited her
while sanesuke always acted as the head of a family opposed to the house of kujo , he also exhibited flexible behavior toward the kujo family , especially in his later years , requesting michinaga and his son , fujiwara no yorimichi , to help his adopted son , sukehira , to succeed him as the head of the family and to inherit the family property intact . 常に九条流に対抗する家の当主として活躍したが、晩年は子の資平への家督継承と家領温存のため、道長・藤原頼通親子に口入を申し出るなど、九条流への柔軟な行動も見られる。